Friday, July 28, 2017


Shore Dive Spearfishing | ADRENO

Things to know before going shore diving. The easiest way to get into spearfishing is to jump in and do it, however, it can be tough to know when and where to go and what gear is required. Adreno Brisbane's Taylor Slattery, a renown shore diver, takes us through his key tips that you should consider before going shore diving.

Key points:
1. Minimal swell & wind
Always look for periods of low wind and low swell. if there is any wind or swell, dive on the downwind side of a headland, this will prove some shelter and hopefully better visibility.

2. Rain
Rain can have a massive impact on the visibility when shorediving. Even the smallest amount of rain can cuase the water close to shore become filled with dirty run off out of the rivers making for less than ideal diving conditions.

3. Tidal conditions
In most cases you want to look to dive on the top of the tide, this generaly prooves to be more productive with fish and usually proves clearer visibility.

4. Google Maps
Before going shore diving, it's always a great idea to use Google Maps to scope out the lay of the land. The maps will give you a really good idea of where the rock/reef is, if there are any pinnacles, gutters, broken waves etc.

5. Check with you local government authority
Always be sure to know where the restricted fishing areas may be in your local area and be sure to stay clear of these areas. Green zones are there for a reason.

6. Scope the dive location from above
After you've found a good dive spot on Google Maps and you've checked that you can dive there, next spend some time sitting on the headland and checking the area. You want to look for boat traffic, other divers, the species that you might find on different parts on of the reef, currents etc.

7. Minimal gear
Excess gear will only give you grief and make you dive less enjoyable. Only take the essentials, all you need is a wetsuit, mask, snorkel, speargun, dive knife, float, float line, fins, catch bag. Once you've got these you're good to go!