Monday, April 3, 2017


More Realistic PADI Mask Removal and Replacement for IDC Dive Instructors to teach

PADI Mask Removal and Replacement can me taught in a so much more Realistic way's while still getting the highest 5.0 scores on the PADI Divemaster and IDC, IE and PADI Course Director Course by following this video -

PADI Platinum Course Director Marcel van den Berg realised quite early in his diving career that trying to over exaggerated this skill in demonstrations only increases fear and difficulties or problems in diving students that might not be comfortable with doing the PADI Diving Skill in the first place.

For example asking students to first fully flood the mask before taking the mask off, only increase their panic level. I know this sounds strange to a lot of people as it makes common sense to do partial flooded mask first, followed by fully flooded and then mask removal and replacement starting with fully flooding the mask, but...

I personally have taught over 3000 PADI Open Water Students and have used fully flooding the mask before taking it off more then 2000 times, but one day it hit me and I decided to just ask my PADI diving students to take off the mask instead of flooding it first.. And OMG! No-one panicked!!

This must be a one time thing right? But then I tried it course after course and I had no-one or maybe 1 even so courses, panicking at this skill in the confined swimming pool section. Then it really hit me.. Taking just the diving mask off underwater is way more easier then flooding it before taking it off!!

Doing this method on every PADI Open Water Diver course, after course it proved successful over and over again! (at the time I was doing 6 to 8 Open Water students per course on Koh Tao, Thailand)

I needed to know why it worked so well and then I found out that a lot of people are used to water in the face while swimming or taking a shower, so taking the mask off is really not that bad as they expect water to surround their face...

But flooding the the mask first, by putting water into a box, surrounding their eye's and then closing it up, while they are already scarred, just triggers to breath! And how they breath? Through their Nose in a split second.. This is when everything goes wrong..!

Now I know, I will get a lot of hate and comments from many new, old experienced etc. diving instructors saying this is not true, but it worked for me over and over again.. Please try it out on more then 2 beginner diving PADI Open Water courses to test if you like it and if not then just do your own thing.

On the Sairee Cottage Diving PADI IDC courses we teach our new PADI Diving Instructors to try different styles to see what fits their diving teaching style combined with real life success of many other diving instructors.

Please visit us to find out more how you can join one of the most realistic PADI IDC's in the field:

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