Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Hilarious moment great white shark POOPS on scuba divers

A great white shark swims close to three scuba divers before flapping its long white tail and letting out a huge poo.
Jaws Poo! Shark swims up to divers in a cage and defecates on them (but it's probably the less dangerous end)
A great white shark unleashed hell on a group of divers in Guadalupe
It fired out an explosive spurt of yellowy green liquid directly onto them
The divers could only stay put and tackle the toxic cloud head on
With lightning-fast reflexes and 50 razor sharp 3-inch teeth the great white shark hardly needs another killer trait.
But it appears the frightening fish has something else up its fin, in the rare occasion it feels flustered.
A group of cage-divers have recorded the moment they were caked in poo after one of the ocean's top predators let loose with a cloudy expulsion in Guadalupe.
Dun dun dun dun dun… A great white shark approaches a group of cage divers in Guadalupe
..phhhhhhrt! The shark lets off a violent explosion of yellowy green gas in front of the divers
With nowhere to go the divers had no option but to stop and stare, being given the surprise of their lives.
Instead of a great-white parp, however, the shark released a toxic yellowy green plume.
And it made an extra effort to shake its foul substance over as many watching divers as possible.
The killer shark makes a lunge to open the cage from the top, as if things weren't bad enough
Are you not entertained? The giant fish makes an extra effort to shake its foul substance over as many watching divers as possible.
Alarmingly the killer fish then made a lunge to open their cage from the top, as if things weren't bad enough.
The footage has recently re-emerged online after it was posted to YouTube by Shawn Coit.
The colour of the poo appears yellow, but the actual shade is closer to green as the seawater distorts what you see.