Wednesday, August 24, 2016


World Record Deepest Ever Scuba Dive Preparation 2014 (Low Res)

Will Goodman, who officially holds the Guinness World Record for the Longest Open Saltwater Scuba Dive at 48 hours and 9 minutes and 17 seconds on 13th January 2010 has set his sights on obtaining a few more world records. This time for the deepest ever scuba dive and deepest ever CCR dive. Will is in preparation with Simon Liddiard of Blue Marlin Dive, Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Indonesia, to complete his attempt in February 2014. The video shows footage from 2 dives setting the lines down from the surface to 45 metres, then over the edge of the wall to 96 metres. When we went back a few days later Will and Simon successfully ran the lines from 97 to 175 metres.


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